Hi, I’m jackie Line.

Oh where to start….. I am Oregon born and raised. I grew up in southern Oregon in Klamath Falls. Moved to the Salem area when I graduated high school in 2003 and lived between Monmouth and Dallas till the end of 2019 when I made the move to Molalla, Oregon. I have called Molalla home for the last 4 years.

Lets get to the good stuff. I have an amazing husband, Zac, and 2 wonderful step kids, Jack and Boe. Also cant forget to mention the 2 fur baby cats Jasmine (19) and Jinx (3). Jasmine tends to just sleep and hang out but you can find jinx going on adventures. She loves riding in the car and doesn’t mind being on a leash, both cats are great with their own personalities.

We are an outdoor family and love to be out in nature. Zac and Jack love to hunt and I will sometimes follow along to photograph the hunt (one of my many hobbies). Boe and I would much rather be on the river fishing, so once those tags are filled thats where you can find us (finally caught my first steelhead the other day still looking for one I can keep). Both kids are also involved in sports Boe is an amazing goalie in soccer and both boys are wrestling this year, Jack also does cross country and baseball. When I am not working you can see me on the sidelines cheering them on!

Hobbies? Oh I got those, crochet, knitting, painting, refinishing furniture, fishing, hiking, photography, gardening, cricut, crafts of all sorts. I bet we will have something to talk about!

Journey through growth, Alignment and balance, self Development and openness, while Engaging mind and body with energetic positivity.

My why

I worked in healthcare for the last 19 or so years as a caregiver, in one way or another. 8 years ago I made the switch to working in the ICU as I was severely burnt out but didn’t know what I wanted to do longterm still. I am an adrenaline junkie at heart so this seemed like a good match and it really was I loved what I did for quite a few years it was a different day everyday. And then Covid happened…… WOW what a scary time that was for everyone. I think healthcare workers sometimes get forgotten about when everyone thinks about the trauma that everyone experienced the last few years. What I heard all the time was “this is what you signed up for.” No it really wasn’t, I didn’t understand at 20 even what a pandemic was. I made it through the pandemic very stoically, luckily I had amazing support at home, but we went to “war” everyday to save lives and were yelled at by patients and family members but that was ok and justifiable everyone including us were scared. But then came post-pandemic and I was trying to heal my body. As I knew my internal regulation system was way off and I couldn’t keep upping my anxiety medications, just to get myself out of bed, to go to work, to be screamed at by a homeless drug addict or an alcoholic. The last straw is when a motorcycle gang threatened staff and stormed through our doors. I went on a leave of absence then. I was already signed up to become a yoga instructor so as I was internally debating wether I leave the ICU or stay on call, I felt shame leaving the field. Everything in life is a journey and this was the universes way of telling me I was headed in the right direction. So, here I am starting my journey with the hopes of becoming a trauma informed yoga instructor that can help teach first responders and healthcare workers different techniques to calm their bodies. Something else I found that I didn’t know I needed was a sense of community, acceptance, openness, knowledge, and love. I truly believe that telling our stories can help others heal so please follow along if you would like to read more about my childhood and growing up (it’s a doozy.)


Know we all start somewhere and showing up is half the battle! We were all new at some point. Not knowing what to do or what a pose was. I offer a lot of different options and will work with whatever specific needs you might have.


My goal for you as my student would be to learn about proper body alignment while, simultaneously, start to feel better about yourself. Learn how to trust your body and find love for what it does for you everyday. Getting stronger and building up your small muscles to be able to stabilize your joints. In my career in healthcare I have seen so many people not take care of their bodies and its time we start looking back at our history as humans and realizing, people who live long happy lives are active. We may outgrow each other and I may not be for you and thats ok. I trust that you are in control of what you need in this moment and I want you to know I will always welcome you back if the time is ever right for you.

yoga training philosophy

Over the years I have taken yoga classes here and there but never found like I got much more from a class then I did from a youtube video. I knew that I didn’t want to be the instructor that does yoga with their class. I wanted to be the instructor that looks at the alignment in your body and be able to correct it with cues. I feel like this teaches you so much more about your body. Yoga for me has never been about the pose but how it makes me feel inside. Can I do a handstand as a yoga instructor? No. Maybe someday? But I don’t trust my shoulders and that’s ok. It’s where I am right now. But I can talk you through how to get into a proper handstand and all the aspects with good form. I found this all at my YTT program and so much more. I already knew a lot about the human body and actually used to teach body mechanics and proper lifting at one of my healthcare jobs. This program I signed up for went so in depth with body mechanics with some great instructors that have been trained in functional medicine. Now I can’t wait for all the additional trainings I get to take and have been opened up to me! Knowledge and learning is part of growing and its all part of yoga. Yoga is so much more then just movement on your mat.

“Sing like no one’s listening, love like you’ve never been hurt, dance like nobodies watching, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” —Mark Twain